Doing Zero is one of the British Council’s Creative Commissions, engaging young people around the world to address climate change through art, science and digital technology. It is part of the British Council’s global platform, The Climate Connection.
We caught up with Kasper de Graaf - writer and producer, CEO of design and innovation consultancy Images&Co and steering group member of the UK Design Action Plan - to find out more about the power of food and our role in taking positive action against the climate crisis with their project Doing Zero, which took place in the run up to COP26 in Glasgow.
Please can you tell us more about Doing Zero?
Doing Zero is an exploration of the link between climate change and food by two local neighbourhoods – Harpurhey in North Manchester and Kawangware in West Nairobi. Community members in the two cities have taken part in joint workshops with climate experts and creatives to figure out what local people can do in their own communities to play their part in the battle to save the planet.
When Greta Thunberg said, “Build back better, blah, blah, blah”, she put her finger on the anger many people feel about fine words from our leaders in government and industry that aren’t matched by meaningful deeds.
But it applies to us too. What can we do that will make a difference?
Every Saturday in September, people in Manchester and Nairobi gathered in a pop-up “connected green library” to hear from experts, share experiences, and collaborate to develop and shape their insights.
The green library was made up of two linked spaces: one in Manchester Communication Academy, a secondary school in Manchester, and the other in Dagoretti South Empowerment Centre in Nairobi, connected via a digital “fourth wall”. In African culture, before there were schools, information was passed on to the next generation through storytelling around the fire. In Doing Zero, the connected green library is our fireplace. Our future is someone else’s past. We can learn from each other and from traditional ways of life.
The collaboration began by listening and talking to experts and came up with three principal insights.
What can we learn about our food consumption to improve our habits?
There are plenty of alternatives to beef, dairy and the highly processed foods many of us eat today, as we discovered from two food scientists from Reading University: Dr Simona Grasso of the School of Agriculture and Dr Martin Chadwick of the School of Chemistry, Food and Pharmacy.
Can meat ever be sustainably produced? Dr. Simona Grasso explained that the industry’s focus has been on improving efficiency and there’s also a welcome shift in popularity from red meats to poultry. Nevertheless, meat eating will still have to reduce significantly if it’s ever to become sustainable.
Alternatives include aquatic foods such as chlorella, spirulina, mussels and kelp, and terrestrial foods such as larvae, mycoproteins and cultured meat.
Insects are already commonly eaten in well over a hundred countries, though not (unless you count I’m a celebrity, get me out of here) in the richer ones. They are arthropods ¬– like shrimp, crab and lobster – and there are more than two thousand edible insect species. They’re good for the planet for various reasons: they can feed on biomass that’s unsuitable for humans which reduces the land required to cultivate them, the larvae grow super quickly, and there’s no waste as the whole insect is edible.
Undeniably though, there’s a yuck factor among older people in developed countries, and there are other obstacles to overcome before insects become a more accepted global food source.
Of 12,000 edible plant species we eat only about 200, and more than half of the plant-based foods we eat are made of just three crops: rice, wheat and maize. The reason is that we’ve focused on improving the crops we eat over thousands of years, rather than experimenting with others.
According to Dr. Martin Chadwick, agriculture currently produces more carbon emissions than it removes from the atmosphere, which includes forest-burning, chemicals and pesticides. Although current plant-based practices are not that sustainable, the growing popularity of plant-based cuisines from north Africa and south Asia is good news for health and for the planet too.
What scientific solutions exist to minimise our carbon footprint?
Some promising stepping-stones to reduce the world’s reliance on meat are in development.
A Dutch company converts “end of life organic waste” from insects into protein for use in animal feed and other food products. Another in Cambridge uses the larvae of an insect to convert organic waste into fats and proteins.
Protein-rich alternatives for vegetarians is not a new idea: Quorn is made from mycoproteins, a fermented blend of glucose, minerals and fungi. Many more alternatives are rising in popularity. A Waitrose range of hybrid meats – sausages, meatballs and burgers with one third non-meat content of fruit, vegetables and pulses – is designed to appeal to ‘meat reducers’ or ‘flexitarians’, as many people now think of themselves.
Genetic modification and gene editing can be problematic if it’s driven by profit without regard for sustainability, but there’s no scientific reason why they can’t be used to accelerate the human-assisted “natural” selection process. This could speed up mass cultivation of newer kids on the block, like quinoa, kelp and oysternut.
And then there are numerous attempts to grow the food we like in the lab, without the harmful effects, from “test tube milk”, which replicates the protein and fat combination found in cow’s milk, right through to beef, pork and chicken.
The first cultured burger, in 2013, cost a quarter of a million dollars to produce. Five years later, the cost of growing a piece of steak had dropped to $50.
Fans insist that once it looks like the real thing and tastes like the real thing at a price people can afford, cultured meat will catch on, and the first commercial, lab-grown chicken “bites” approved by regulators were served in a Singapore restaurant in December 2020.
What were the practical insights from the Doing Zero workshops?
First, information about the impact of our eating habits on global warming is not readily available.
Second, large-scale processed beef and dairy are the biggest single factor in food-related greenhouse gas emissions and we must urgently reduce our reliance on them.
Third, access to water is at risk in many parts of the world and threatens future food security.
Fourth, urban farming and eating local, seasonal food can help support sustainable food systems in our cities.
So what action can we take to make a difference?
One of the best things we can do is make a lot of noise to let the wider public, supermarkets and big food companies know what we want. But how can we work out what that is, when we have so little information about the implications of what we eat, and none is given at the point of sale?
After two weeks of discussing our shared and different experiences in Manchester and Nairobi with the experts, we were joined by Extinction Rebellion’s Clive Russell to talk about turning insights into actions.
Clive’s view is that we cannot carry on the way we are, even though most people are obsessed with production and consumption. We have to stop, think and do things differently. If we want to raise awareness, we need to be clear about what we’re campaigning about. Everyone can be involved in their own way – but it’s not DIY, it’s about doing things together.
It’s not just campaigning, of course. Doing Zero is about what steps we can take ourselves, and Elizabeth Onyango of Kenyan startup Ukulima Tech introduced a discussion about urban farming.
What does the future hold for Doing Zero?
The Doing Zero team is working with the scientists to produce climate impact information about typical diets in Nairobi, and to explore the potential of developing a labelling scheme for retail food.
They plan to build further on the collaboration with an exhibition during COP26, by disseminating information through a documentary, social media and online resources on the website created by the Nairobi team, and by exploring the wider potential of the connected green library.
Doing Zero was the subject of an exhibition in the Vertical Gallery at Manchester School of Art as a highlight of the Design Manchester Festival, which took place from 15-21 November. Find out more here where you can also sign up for updates.
As a follow up to the project, we are developing a vertical garden wall at GROW, a working café in the Business School of Manchester Metropolitan University and in in an accessible community hub in Nairobi. We will continue to work with communities together with Ukulima Tech to advise on vertical garden techniques and with nutritional scientists in the Faculty of Health, Psychology and Social Care at Manchester Metropolitan University. Watch this space!
Doing Zero will also be featured as part of the upcoming Nairobi Design Week on the theme ‘Where We Live’, taking place in April 2022. Find out more here:
Doing Zero is produced jointly by Design Manchester and Nairobi Design Week. It is a Creative Commission for COP26 funded by the British Council and supported by a wide range of partners including Boot Room Communications, Dagoretti South Empowerment Centre, Design Kenya Society, Images&Co, Instruct Studio, Manchester City Council, Manchester Climate Change Agency, Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University, SICK! Festival, Standard Practice, Ukulima Tech, University of Manchester, University of Reading and WWF UK.
Keep in touch with the latest developments via our website