How does the programme operate in Belgium?
The Language Assistants Programme is a bi-lateral mobility programme. We work with our partner organisation, Wallonie-Bruxelles International, to send English Language Assistants to secondary schools and higher education institutions in Belgium.
Wallonie-Bruxelles International administer the programme in Belgium and manage the relationship with schools on our behalf.
As part of our processes, we will be sharing the information you include in your application with Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the regional/local authorities and schools that they work with. By submitting an application, you are agreeing to us sharing the information included in the form with all parties listed above.
Am I eligible for a placement in Belgium?
To be a Language Assistant in Belgium, you must:
- fulfil the general eligibility criteria
- have B1-level French
- be aged 35 or under on 1 October 2024.
- have undertaken a minimum length of education in the UK - you must have completed one of the following by 1 October 2024:
- at least two years of an undergraduate degree OR
- a TEFL or CELTA course with at least two years of English Language Teaching OR
- at least one year of study of a Level 5 qualification (or above) through a Further Education institution/TVET college
When will I start my placement?
Posts in Belgium run from 1 October 2024 – 31 May 2025.
How many posts are available in Belgium?
Every year there are approximately 10 posts available.
Where can I go in Belgium?
Posts are available in the Brussels and Wallonia regions. This includes Brussels (and the surrounding area) as well as the Liège, Luxembourg, Hainaut, Brabant Wallon et Namur areas. What type of institution will I be working in?
All placements in Belgium are in secondary schools or higher education institutions.
How many hours will I work per week?
Language Assistants in Belgium can expect to work 12-16 hours per week.
How much will I be paid?
You can expect to receive a monthly allowance of €1147.46.
You can also expect to receive a housing subsidy of €400 euros. Therefore you can expect to receive a total sum of just over €1550 per month.
Please note that our overseas partners and employing institutions are ultimately responsible for setting the salary of Language Assistants and this amount should therefore be treated as indicative and may be subject to change.
Will I need a visa?
Assistants going to Belgium who do not have a valid EU passport will have to apply for a visa.
To obtain the visa D, assistants require the Annexe 46 and a valid passport.
To obtain the Annexe 46, assistants will be required to pay the administrative fees which are currently €366, plus an administrative fee to the Office des étrangers which is currently €138. Assistants will also need to provide documents to our partners at Wallonie-Bruxelles Internationale so that they can put together a dossier. This includes:
- Medical certificate obtained from an approved practitioner
- International Child Protection Certificate (ICPC)
- A signed déclaration sur l’honneur (a declaration that you will not carry out other work during your assistantship)
- A convention signed by the assistant and the assistant’s host school(s)
- A scanned copy of all pages of your passport (including blanks)
- Proof of payment to the Office des étrangers
- Transcript of your results
- Additional documents provided by WBI and your work contract.
The cost of the medical exam is around £250 in general, but this may vary from clinic to clinic.
Once the Annexe 46 has been approved and these documents are ready you must apply for your Visa D by completing the Belgian Consulate’s Visa on Web application form and booking an appointment at one of the TLS centres. The current visa handling cost is £162 and a further £31.50 for the TLS service fees which you will be charged when booking your appointment.
Please note that visa requirements can change at short notice, and the British Council cannot be held responsible for any changes to the visa process or to the approximate costs listed above which have been given as a guide only.
What are the costs involved?
Applicants should also be aware that there are significant costs associated with the visa process and moving to Belgium. However, these costs should not come all at once as they will occur at different stages of the process, from visa application to arrival in Belgium. Costs are likely to include:
- International Child Protection Certificate (£90)
- Annexe 46 application: Medical certificate £250, Annexe 46 €366 and administrative fee €138
- Visa application including administrative fees (approx. £195)
- Travel costs to and from visa centre
- Travel costs to placement location
In post (before receiving first payment)
- Accommodation costs including initial temporary accommodation and deposit for permanent accommodation in Belgium
- Residency permit costs on arrival (€20-30)
- Costs for initial few months £1000-1500. You may not receive your first payment until late November, so you will need sufficient funds for this time. Previous assistants have recommended budgeting for at least two months without pay
We encourage you to read more about the monthly allowance and how much money we recommend budgeting for Belgium in section 8 of the destination guide (available to downloaded from the bottom of this page).
Where can I get information about my placement from?
The guide for Language Assistants in Belgium 2023-24 is available to download in PDF format below. This information has been provided for reference and is subject to change each year. Updated guidance for Assistants going out on placement in 2024-5 will be available in summer 2024.
Last updated: 24/01/2024.