This page is for applicants who have previously worked, or are currently working, as an English Language Assistant and who wish to apply again for the programme.

Applications through the British Council for all non-consecutive ELAs, and consecutive ELAs for Colombia, Belgium and Spain for the 2025-26 academic year have now closed. The deadline for applications was 30 January 2025 at 13:00 GMT.

If you are currently an assistant in Austria, Canada, France, Germany or Switzerland, check the destination-specific information below as you may still be able to apply. 

Applications to be an English Language Assistant in 2026-27 will open in autumn 2025. The below information is subject to change for 2026-27 and will be updated in autumn 2025. 


The way you complete your application depends on whether you are a consecutive, non-consecutive, or first-time applicant: 

  1. Consecutive applicants are those participating in the 2024-25 programme. 
  2. Non-consecutive applicants are those who participated in the programme prior to 2024-2025. 
  3. If you have not participated in the programme previously and are applying for the first time, this guidance page does not apply and you should instead refer to the How to apply to be an English Language Assistant page.

It is only possible to be a Language Assistant recruited via this programme a maximum of four times, regardless of whether the posts were in the same or different destinations. Both consecutive and non-consecutive years will be counted.

I am a non-consecutive year applicant wishing to apply to the programme again

This applies if you worked as an Assistant during or before the 2023-24 academic year and are applying to any destination in 2025-26. If you are applying for Spain, please check if you are eligible to apply for a non-consecutive year in your preferred region below. 

How should I apply? 

  • You will need to submit a new application, completing all sections in full. 
  • You must upload a reference from your former host institution to your application by the application deadline: 30 January 2025. 
  • You also need to provide referee contact details for another referee. This referee will automatically receive a request to complete an online reference form once you have submitted your application which they must complete by the online reference deadline: 13 February 2025.

I am a consecutive year applicant wishing to apply to a different country

This applies if you worked as an Assistant during the 2024-25 academic year but are applying to a different country for 2025-26.  

How should I apply? 

  • You need to submit a new application, completing all sections in full. 
  • You must upload a reference from your current host institution to your application by the application deadline: 30 January 2025.
  • You also need to provide contact details for another referee. This referee will automatically receive a request to complete an online reference form once you have submitted your application which they must complete by the online reference deadline: 13 February 2025.

I am a consecutive year applicant wishing to stay in the same country

A consecutive year in the same country is only possible for Assistants in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Switzerland and Spain. Please see relevant information below on how to apply for a consecutive year in each destination: 

  • Austria: apply directly with Sprachassistenz in Österreich/the OeAD by mid-January 2025, following the guidance on their website under Verlängerung um ein zweites Jahr. You may ask to remain at the same school or request a change. 
  • Belgium: apply through the British Council only, following these instructions: Belgium Consecutive Application Guidance (2025-26). It is only possible to complete a maximum of two years in Belgium. This applies to both consecutive and non-consecutive candidates.
  • Canada: contact Éducation Internationale directly to express interest by the end of February 2025. 
  • Colombia: apply through the British Council only, following these instructions: Colombia Consecutive Application Guidance (2025-26)
  • France: apply directly with FEI following the guidance on their website under Pour un renouvellement de contrat (due to be updated in January 2025). You may ask to remain at the same school or request a change.
  • Germany: contact the PAD to express interest by the end of March 2025. You may ask to remain at the same school or request a change.
  • Spain: apply through the British Council and the Spanish Ministry of Education's portal Profex. Guidance on how to apply on Profex will be available from the Ministry of Education in January 2025. For guidance on how to apply through the British Council, follow these instructions: Spain Consecutive Application Guidance (2025-26). Before applying, please check if you are eligible to apply for a consecutive year in your preferred region below. 
  • Switzerland: contact Movetia directly to express interest. You may ask to remain at the same school or request a change. Due to work permit restrictions, UK passport holders may only complete two placement years in total in Switzerland.

Regional limits in Spain

If you’ve been a Language Assistant in the Spain programme before, it's important to note that some Spanish regions have a limit to the number of years you can participate in the programme in that region. Please check that you are eligible for your preferred regions when applying for a consecutive or non-consecutive year:


Language Assistants cannot participate in the programme in Andalucía for more than one school year, consecutive or not. If you have already been a Language Assistant in Andalucía for a year you may only apply to a different region, so long as you do not exceed the maximum four years as a Language Assistant.  

Aragón, País Vasco and La Rioja 

Language Assistants cannot participate in the programme in Aragón, País Vasco or La Rioja for more than two school years, consecutive or not. If you have already been a Language Assistant in one of these regions for two years, you may only apply to a different region, so long as you do not exceed the maximum four years as a Language Assistant.  

Islas Baleares, Islas Canarias, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Galicia, Valencia and Murcia 

Language Assistants cannot participate in the programme in Islas Baleares, Islas Canarias, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Galicia, Valencia or Murcia for more than three school years, consecutive or not. If you have already been a Language Assistant in one of these regions for three years, you may only apply to a different region, as long as you do not exceed the maximum four years as a Language Assistant. 


Language Assistants cannot participate in the programme in Madrid for more than two school years, consecutive or not. If you have already been a Language Assistant in this region for two years, you may only apply to a different region, so long as you do not exceed the maximum four years as a Language Assistant. Consecutive year Language Assistants applying for Madrid must remain in the same school for a second year.

Host Institution Reference

All consecutive and non-consecutive applicants are required to upload a reference from their former or current host institution to their application. The reference may be written in English or in the main language of the destination you were in. 

The reference from your current or most recent host institution must: 

  • comment on your performance as an assistant,
  • state that the host institution would recommend you for another year on the programme,
  • be dated, signed, and stamped by the host institution, and
  • be on letter headed paper. 

Your application may be unsuccessful if this reference is unsatisfactory. 

International Child Protection Certificate (ICPC)

All consecutive and non-consecutive year applicants must apply for a new International Child Protection Certificate (ICPC) for each programme year.