The research looks at devolution of powers over skills development in six countries, England, Indonesia, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan and Serbia. The paper provides an important insight into the varied factors in policy making and implementation and analyses the impact of different models of devolved governance.
The overall purpose of the research is to review the different ways in which Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) governance and planning are devolved to sub-national levels, and to inform debate about the benefits and challenges associated with different types and levels of devolution in different country contexts.
The report begins by considering the definition of TVET governance devolution, and draws on the current work of the European Training Foundation. A summary of the five country case studies is then presented before a section which sets out proposed frameworks for analysing the model of devolution in each country. These frameworks are used to explore devolution in the UK system and to draw out brief lessons. The challenges and opportunities faced by each of the five countries are examined in more detail to draw out conclusions and recommendations for action.
What emerges in the report is that a complex mix of political, financial, institutional and cultural issues are in play in each country and that each of these factors can both support and stimulate successful devolution of TVET governance or hinder its progress. Each case is different and there is no simple answer to successful devolution, but there does seem to be a hierarchy of models of devolution that emerges from the analysis. These show progressively greater levels of devolution; from centralised government control, through devolved administrations using regional and local arms of government, the introduction of partner based bodies bringing greater coherence at regional level and, more radically, the creation of powerful new regional TVET bodies with policy making as well as delivery responsibilities.