We share the UK’s knowledge and expertise to strengthen skills systems and enhance people’s skills and employability. We do this by sharing experience from policy and practice; supporting innovative and sustainable partnerships; encouraging exchange and mobility for young people, practitioners and policymakers; and helping to build the capacity of teachers, practitioners and policy-makers.

We continually develop our work through piloting different approaches to raise the profile and quality of skills development globally.

Our main areas of interest within the Technical and Vocation Education and Training include:


  • Policy and leadership
  • Governance and management
  • Quality of teaching methods and learner outcomes
  • Teacher professionalism and continued professional development.


  • Linking national skills education and labour policies
  • Employer engagement and sector approaches
  • Occupational standards and curriculum development.

Flexibility and progression

  • National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks
  • Work-based learning and apprenticeships
  • Careers services and access to education and training.


  • Enterprise education and entrepreneurial learning
  • E-learning and digital
  • Innovative approaches to teaching and learning.

In this section