As part of Rwanda’s nation-wide ‘Rwanda Reads September 2016 literacy programme’, the British Council Rwanda co-hosted a double book launch at the Impact Hub Kigali. We worked in partnership with Huza Press Rwanda.
Rwanda Reads book launch

A Creative Hustle in Support of Literature
On 9 September, our guests enjoyed short readings by two fantastic authors.
The Kenyan writer, Odour Jagero, read from his book ‘The Ghosts of 1894’ (whose main character is from Rwanda); Ivor Ademuah-Duah, the editor of a new anthology of African Short Stories, read from ‘All the Good Things Around Us’, which comprises stories from some of Africa’s current ’literary giants’ such as Wole Soyinka, Ben Okri, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Peggy Appiah, Benjamin Sehene, Ellen Banda-Aaku, and more.
Following the readings, Louise Umutoni from our partner organisation, Huza Press, chaired the writers and the audience in a lively and interesting discussion around their creative writing processes, and about African literature more generally – its roots, its current ‘state of health’ and what the future may bring. At the end of the book launch event, participants all agreed that ‘’the future is bright!’’.
Huza Press host several literary events in Kigali. If you are interested, visit their Facebook page for more information on how to get involved.