The State of Creativity by the Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) is a series of essays reflecting on the last ten years of UK creative industry policy. Looking forwards, the essays explore the policy landscape that may dominate in the coming years and the priorities for the future. The collection is supported by case studies from those working in the creative sector including Syima Aslam from Bradford Literature Festival, entrepreneur Tom Adeyoola, and the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Sarah Ellis.
Essays and authors
- Creative Britain: Finding its Way?
By Hasan Bakhshi - Geography of the Creative Industries: Identifying where creative businesses are located, why they cluster together and the impact of these clusters on innovation.
By Josh Siepel, Prof. Bruce Tether and Prof. Neil Lee - The Value of Arts and Culture: Measuring the economic and social value of the arts and cultural sector to local and national economies.
By Jenny Kidd and Hasan Bakhshi - International, Trade and Immigration: How the UK's creative industries operate in international markets through the trade of creative goods and services, talent migration and foreign investment.
By Prof. Giorgio Fazio and Eliza Easton - Skills, Jobs and Education: How our education and employment systems can be better designed to give people good-quality creative jobs and the skills they need to work in the creative industries.
By Lesley Giles and Heather Carey - Intellectual Property and Regulation: Exploring the ways in which people's rights to benefit from their creative products and services are protected, and how the emergence of new technologies challenges regulators.
By Prof. Martin Kretchmer and Prof. Philip Schlesinger - R&D and Innovation: How the government and funders should be investing in research and development (R&D), which is crucial for developing new technologies and encouraging innovation in the creative industries.
By Prof. Bruce Tether and Dr Josh Siepel - Diversity and Inclusion: Examining the structural inequalities in the creative industries and how we should be addressing them.
By Heather Carey and Prof. Dave O'Brien - Business Models and Access to Finance: How creative businesses are changing the way they operate, reaching new markets and accessing different types of funding.
By Josh Siepel and Prof. Bruce Tether - Public Service Broadcasting: Measuring the economic and cultural value of public service broadcasting (PSB).
By Prof. Stuart Allen - Climate: How the creative industries can contribute to solving the climate crisis.
By Alison Tickell and Eliza Easton
Read the full State of Creativity report on the Policy and Evidence Centre website
The report is available to read in the following languages: