With apologies to Mr Orwell
A discovery in the British Council’s archives throws new light on its relationship with Orwell.
A discovery in the British Council’s archives throws new light on its relationship with Orwell.
With global affairs are increasingly influenced by populism and identity politics, Paul Smith examines the vital importance of culture in international relations.
Research series: Diba Salem looks at Dubai, its architecture and what is ‘public’ in the middle east.
September 2018: This essay explores libraries and youth takeovers in three cities in the North of the UK, with youth challenging who owns ‘public’ – if interior – space.
September 2018: Shrirya Malhotra writes about working with collective Partizaning in Moscow and the differences between being a public artist and an activist in Moscow and Delhi.
September 2018: Dave Haslam examines how music venues provide spaces for new encounters.
Connecting Creative Communities highlights the challenges creative hubs face, the impact they make and the ways they operate in Malasia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
September 2017: How can the Arts contribute to shaping a nation’s soft power?
The report from the Edinburgh International Culture Summit explores the vital issues facing today’s cultural sector and policymakers. We examine the arguments.
Research report: the Edinburgh International Culture Summit report.