Difficult Conversations
Essay collection: this series looks at how the arts enable reparative engagement with legacies of trauma and conflict.
Essay collection: this series looks at how the arts enable reparative engagement with legacies of trauma and conflict.
This research takes a closer look at festivals in Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore, exploring the state of play, opportunities and needs in each country.
The arts have a significant role to play in helping us address climate change. We look at the role that cultural policy has in helping us develop and envisage a more sustainable world.
A report on the impact of the British Council's international disability arts work by Tim Wheeler. Includes discussion of current issues, case studies and resources.
Cultural heritage protection is a route to powerful and effective cultural relations by bringing partners together to protect, nurture, dignify and celebrate the source of identified value.
A new report from the British Council outlines how the promotion of cultural relations can enhance opportunities to build greater peace and stability in fragile contexts.
In the first in a series of articles charting how different countries have responded to the crisis we turn to China's arts sector.
Insight looks at the new Chatham House report on the remarkable changes in Ukraine’s cultural sector of recent years and useful lessons for other countries undergoing reform and transition.
As the UK embarks on a new chapter in its relationship with Italy, Rachel Launay Director Italy and Jill Morris British Ambassador to Italy and San Marino discuss future bilateral priorities
Essay discussing how to shift away from a culture of fossil fuels.