The ICR Facility supports reforms to the business climate and business environment in order to generate more decent jobs and contribute to improved livelihoods.
By supporting business climate and investment environment reforms, the ICR Facility aims to help generate more decent jobs and contribute to improving livelihoods in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.  ©

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The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility supports organisations in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to create better conditions for businesses to thrive and for women’s economic empowerment and inclusion. Fostering a more favourable and gender-sensitive business environment will enable local and international businesses to generate opportunities, especially for women and youth, and boost the economic growth and sustainable development at large

The ICR Facility is co-funded by the European Union (EU), the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the British Council. It sits within our non-formal education (NFE) programme portfolio.

We jointly implement this global programme with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Expertise France (EF), and Stichting Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie (Netherlands Development Organisation, SNV). 

In the ICR Facility, we offer funded technical expertise in response to requests from public (e.g., Ministries/Departments/Agencies, etc.) and private (e.g., Employers’ associations, Chamber of Commerce, Business Member organisations, etc.) stakeholders in member states of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) to: 

• undertake technical assistance for business environment and investment climate improvements

• compile and share lessons learned and good practices for business environment and investment climate improvements

Our implementing partners (GIZ and Expertise France) offer funded technical assistance to strengthen national and sub-regional Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), in addition, under this technical assistance facility.

By providing the tools, resources, evidence etc. that public and private stakeholders need to carry out business environment and investment climate improvements, it will contribute to the creation of the right conditions so that

• businesses in ACP countries can continue to operate better to create more decent work especially for young people in ACP, and to contribute to increased inclusive and sustained economy growth in ACP countries 

• women and young people are not restricted and or excluded in the economic development agenda. And they are empowered and free to fully participate in the economy as business owners/leaders, employees, and decision makers, policy makers, advocates etc.


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