Who will evaluate the proposals?
Proposals submitted for an Assessment Reseach Grant or a Reading into Research Grant will be reviewed both by international experts in assessment and/or applied linguistics and by members of the British Council Assessment Research Group. The decision of the reviewers will be final.
Evaluation criteria
The following factors will be taken into consideration when evaluating proposals:
- Does the proposal adequately contextualise the proposed project?
- Does the proposal address a topic that is relevant to one of the key areas of interest of this year's round?
- Does the proposal clearly outline the aims of the project?
- Does the proposal offer a clearly stated rationale for the study?
- Does the proposal clearly outline the methodology (design, participants, instruments, procedures)?
- Are the details of the methodology sufficiently well defined to allow for a meaningful judgment on their value?
- Is the methodology likely to be feasible (e.g. number of participants, accessibility of participants etc.)?
- Are the research questions clearly stated?
- Is the assistance required likely to be reasonable and deliverable?
- Have the authors considered ethical approval?
- Is there a detailed budget breakdown provided?
- Does the budget represent good value for money?
- Does the project offer a noteworty contribution to the field of language testing?
- Is the project likely to result in a paper of publishable (web or book chapter) quality?