Young people in a skills workshop

Konstantin Salomatin

Clients European Union
Value €2.7 million
2008 to 2011
Country Azerbaijan

Through the Vocational Education and Training Reform Strategy and Pilot programme we worked with partners to focus on the reform of vocational education and training (VET) in Azerbaijan. Concentrating on the tourism sector, we also developed a pilot in one region to demonstrate the proposed new approaches. 

Through workshops, study visits and consultation we worked with policy makers, practitioners, donors and other stakeholders to build capacity and knowledge, test new approaches and develop a new national strategy for VET.  

Market-led approach 

Policy makers, education leaders and business representatives were supported in reforms of the country’s VET system, through training, study visits and ‘learning-by-doing’ sessions. Participants gained the skills to assess current and future labour market needs and to ensure the management and delivery of VET programmes meets these needs.  


Mechanisms were put in place to encourage dialogue between employers and the government on VET. A Tourism Advisory Board was established to support the Department of Hospitality and Tourism to plan for future skills needs in the sector. More boards are planned for other sectors.  

Successful pilot 

A model for delivering competency-based training was piloted in the newly opened Ismayilli Tourism School. As part of this pilot, links with businesses were established to help the school keep up to date with industry needs and support its learners to make the move into employment. Staff at the college were also trained to make use of the model and pass their knowledge on to future trainers.  

In demand 

The first cohort of tourism educators and students in the school benefited from this new approach to the curricula. All 39 students were employed upon graduating and demand from employers exceeded supply.


See our track record by sector

See our track record by region