Good Deals 2014 ©

Good Deals 2014

This event is now over. Please find information about upcoming events in our News and events section and newsletter

When: 24 - 25 November 2014

Where: 30 Euston Square, London, UK

Good Deals is one of the UK’s leading social enterprise and investment conferences.  It brings together inspirational social entrepreneurs and civil society leaders with key investors and intermediaries to explore opportunities, innovations and good practice in impact investing and social enterprise. It comprises great networking, a mix of useful ‘nuts and bolts’ workshops alongside fascinating and provocative key note talks

This year, the theme is “Playtime is Over" underscoring the sense of urgency to tackle entrenched social and environmental problems through innovative social business models that create positive impacts that vastly outweigh the negatives. Plenary and breakout sessions will discuss challenges, share solutions, discover new ideas and ultimately get more good deals done. The speakers will include the Rt Hon Vince Cable MP (Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills), Jacqueline Novogratz (founder, Acumen Fund), Safia Minney (founder, People Tree) and Liam Black (author, The Social Entrepreneur’s A-Z).

A proud sponsor of Good Deals, the British Council will be participating in two of the sessions.

The first will examine the oceans of opportunity for UK social entrepreneurs to trade and franchise internationally and for the wider UK sector, including policy makers and support organisations, to engage with the social enterprise movement globally. This session will also feature the launch of a study – the first of its kind in the UK -- conducted by the British Council and Social Enterprise UK, called Exporting Social Enterprise: A survey of overseas trade by UK social enterprises – and how to foster its growth.

The second will address social investment developments and feature social investors from around the world, including Chinese social investors supporting the British Council’s Social Investment Platform. It promises to offer rich insights and global perspectives on the financial innovations and best practices that are enabling social enterprises to substantially scale up the reach and impact of their beneficial work.

The British Council will also have a stall in the Good Deals marketplace where delegates can find out about our Global Social Enterprise programme. We look forward to meeting prospective new partners, suppliers, academics, intermediaries and consultants who might be interested in supporting our training, consultancy, social investment, social enterprise education and policy dialogue activities around the world.

Join the event

Buy your ticket:  We very much hope you can attend and are pleased to offer you the promotional code BC14 which will provide you with a 25% discount on tickets when you register online.

To find out more and register for the event, visit the Good Deals website (see the links at the bottom of the page)

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