Through the Rwanda English in Action Programme, we helped the Ministry of Education to improve the quality of English teaching.
Through capacity building support we reviewed and then developed Rwanda’s English teaching strategy, provided teacher training, developed teaching and learning materials and promoted literacy skills.
Training for teachers and trainers
The British Council’s Aptis exam was introduced to help establish a benchmark for English proficiency among the country’s primary school teachers. A total of 700 teachers sat the exam in six venues.
A further 600 training events were held for 60 national and 1,000 district-level English trainers. English language materials were developed for trainers and teachers, along with associated content for radio and print media.
A total of 85,000 teachers received English language training. Training took place over five weeks in 860 centres, using over 1,000 trainers. An initial batch of 250 school-based mentors also received training.