Libya Technical and Vocational Education and Employment programme - a young man looking at a spirit level

Marcus Rose

Clients European Union
Value €6.5 million
2013 to 2015
Country Libya

Through the Libya Technical and Vocational Education and Employment Project our team works with vocational schools and colleges across Libya, along with national and regional stakeholders, to establish sustainable ways to respond to the challenges of unemployment, private sector growth and the changing role of the technical and vocational education (TVE) system in today’s economy.  

Engaging employers 

Employers were involved from the start through the establishment of agro-food, construction and tourism Sector Skills Councils. Their involvement in developing competence standards is ensuring new training is developed to meet employer needs.  

Sharing intelligence 

Processes for collecting and sharing labour market information are becoming established. The system will help employment centres match people to jobs more effectively, ensure training courses are focused on occupations in demand and provide better career information.  

New models, curricula and courses 

Colleges are being supported to introduce new management and governance models and to pilot new competence based curricula.


See our track record by sector

See our track record by region