A young woman and a young man have a conversation together on a bench.

British Council

The Our Shared Cultural Heritage project (OSCH) focuses on exploring the shared cultures and histories of the UK and South Asia.

OSCH works with young people aged 11-25 to create new ways for museums and youth organisations to work together, develop new opportunities for young people, and become better places to explore identity and connect with others.

The project is led by British Council in partnership with Glasgow Life, Manchester Museum and UK Youth. It is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund's Kick the Dust programme.

We are seeking three Local Liaisons in Greater Manchester to help recruit young people, to set up activity with youth groups and to build connections between organisations, young people, their families and wider communities.

The Local Liaisons will also benefit from training, professional development, and the opportunity to build professional networks. This opportunity will run for nine months from October 2019 to June 2020.

Local Liaisons will likely be youth workers currently working with young people primarily of South Asian descent in Greater Manchester, who reflect their identity and understand their lives. They will be leaders in their local communities and will already hold the trust and respect of young people, their families and/or schools.

For more information, please download the below job description. 

How to apply

To apply, email your CV and a completed Application Form to Isobel Cecil, Project Manager, by midnight on 29 September 2019.  Email: isobel.cecil@britishcouncil.org with the subject line: 'Local Liaison Application'

Timeline of Role

Activity Date/Time
Application deadline 29 September 2019
Informal meetings 7 or 8 October 2019
Individual induction meetings 21-23 October 2019
First Steering Group meeting Evening of Thursday 24 October 2019
Future Steering Group meetings To take place on the third Thursday evening of every month until June 2020
Role end June 2020