Vivien Berry

Dr Vivien Berry is Senior Researcher for English Language Assessment. Her current work includes leading a 4-stage project to develop and deliver materials for promoting assessment literacy.

Prior to this, Vivien was Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Language Assessment Research at the University of Roehampton, where she completed a large-scale project, funded by the GMC, investigating the English language requirements of overseas qualified doctors. Before returning to the United Kingdom, Vivien worked as an educator and assessment specialist in tertiary contexts in Europe, Asia and the Middle Ease, including fifteen years at the University of Hong Kong.

Vivien has published ten authored or edited books, numerous peer-reviewed articles and chapters in international journals and books and is a regular speaker at conferences throughout the world. ‘Personality Differences and Oral Test Performance’ was published by Peter Lang in 2007; a report on the GMC project ‘Identifying the appropriate IELTS score levels for IMG applicants to the GMC register’ (with B. O’Sullivan and S. Rugea) was published by the General Medical Council in February 2014. A founder member and former secretary/treasurer of the International Language Testing Association, Vivien was the first convener of the BAAL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment SIG.