We’re going to Strasbourg and we want to take you with us…
This weekend in Strasbourg, France, over 8,000 young people from across Europe will gather at the seat of the European Parliament to make their voices heard. The European Youth Event 2018 has had more interest from young people than any previous year and looks set to be the best yet!
The two-day event is packed with activities in English, French and German, allowing young people from across Europe to meet with political decision makers, discuss issues important to them, work together and generate ideas for the future.
Of the extensive programme of activities, we are most excited about ‘Year of Young People: Building a legacy beyond 2018’. The workshop will be delivered by 4 young people from Scotland who are co-designers of Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018. Participants will learn about the rationale behind the year, the events involved and over all aims, before being encouraged to think about how they can implement these approaches in their home countries.
So what has this got to do with British Council Scotland?
Scotland’s Year of Young People is an opportunity for young people aged 8-26 to have a strong voice on issues affecting them, to showcase their talent and ideas, and ultimately create a more positive perception of young people in society.
The year is led by Young Scot, the national youth information and citizenship charity, in partnership with numerous organisations across Scotland. British Council Scotland has partnered with Young Scot to bring the year an international dimension. We strongly believe in the importance of a global outlook for Scotland’s young people, and as part of this we want to bring you everything that’s happening from EYE18.
For photos, videos and blogs from the event, follow us on Twitter and Facebook now. The Young Scot team will also be updating their Twitter account throughout the trip and broadcasting a live stream of the YoYP workshop! You can even get involved yourself by using #EYE18 and #YoYP2018 on social media.
There might only be 8,000 places at EYE18, but you’re all coming with us. Watch the video below to get a taster of the event.