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Photo ©

Matt Wright

The British Council has commissioned Nordicity to conduct the monitoring and evaluation of Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth. As part of this, Nordicity is seeking a consultant to deliver the second of three thematic studies: focusing on people-centred approaches within the programme and international practice.

Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth is a two-year pilot programme exploring ways in which local culture can improve the lives of individuals around the world. It is exploring the notion that when people or communities have access to opportunities to engage with, learn from and promote their own cultural heritage, this can contribute to social and economic development. 

This request for proposals seeks to commission a leading expert to gather emerging insight and data, conduct the necessary analysis and provide a useful assessment which explores the people-centred approach being taken within Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth. In addition, the supplier will be expected to provide an overview of the current international context of approaches that are characterised as being 1) people-centred and 2) look towards bringing social and economic impact, specifically within the cultural heritage and wider culture and development sectors.

This thematic study, focusing on people-centred approaches, should address the following research questions:

1. What is the current international context of taking a people-centred approach to the design, delivery and management of programmes within the cultural heritage and wider cultural sectors which aim to contribute to social and economic development?
Where are there examples of best practice and how is this being characterised, adopted and executed?
2. To what extent is the pilot scheme Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth people-centred, and where, how and why has this been demonstrated within the global programme to date?
3. How has the Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth research report and the people-centred approach within the pilot had an impact on how the programme has been designed, implemented, refined and developed?
4. What are the key ingredients, principles, ways of working and practical steps that are emerging from Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth, what can be learned from this and are there any recommendations for the future?

You will be encouraged to propose additional or enhanced research questions. Bidders should clarify how the thematic study will provide practical guidance, examples, and best practice for learning and knowledge transfer across the sector.

Key things to consider will be:

1. The Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth research report including the suggested theory of change, case studies, principles and ways of working.
2. How people have been involved in designing, informing, influencing and delivering the Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth programme.
3. How Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth's action research and reflective learning approach has enabled the programme to strengthen/adapt/refine as it developed.

Bidders should also address how they might approach the crosscutting themes of equality, inclusivity and sustainability.

The primary target audiences for the thematic study are anticipated to be those who decide, influence and design programmes and interventions within the cultural heritage and wider culture and development field. Consultants with expertise on current theories and practices in participation and engagement, human-centred design, action research and people-centred approaches are encouraged to apply.

The deadline to apply is Monday 6th January 2020 (midnight GMT).

See also