Small grants between £1,000 to £2,000 to engage young people with heritage in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Organisations are invited to apply for small grants that support young people aged 18 – 25 to connect with heritage. There is a total of £10,000 available for projects. We expect to make between five and 10 grants in total to support projects delivered between October 2020 and March 2021. Applicants must be organisations based in either India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. Due to the impact of Covid-19 we expect most applications will engage with young people online and digitally. 

Applications are open between Thursday 6th August and Friday 28th August 2020. We look forward to hearing from you.

What type of projects will this grants scheme support?

If you are looking for inspiration about the type of projects this funding would support, here are some ideas that we love:

  • Heritage celebrations and events led by young people
  • Discussions and workshops about a subject important to young people and their personal heritage (e.g. themes of identity and belonging)
  • Online training: such as an educational course, or a series of fun tutorials 
  • Storytelling activities and workshops related to heritage
  • Social action community projects related to heritage  
  • Young people mapping or archiving heritage collections  
  • A young person undertaking an internship at a heritage site and reviewing how heritage organisations could better engage young people


Location: Applicants must be based in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.
Audiences: Grants will support activities that connect young people aged 18 to 25 with heritage. Young people will likely be based in South Asia. Applications for activities that also engage with young people in the UK (digitally) are welcome.
Dates: Your activity will take place between October 2020 and March 2021.
Organisations: Organisations in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh can apply for this funding; for example museums, heritage and youth organisations. Organisations can also apply in partnership, including with a UK partner. 

How to apply

Download the Heritage Grants - Guidance Notes to make sure that your organisation and project meet the full eligibility requirements, and for more information on what we're looking for. Then to submit an application, complete the online application form. Applications are open between Thursday 6th August and Friday 28th August 2020.

Should you have any questions you can contact us via

To find out more about our work supporting young people to engage with heritage, visit the Our Shared Cultural Heritage project page.

See also