Community dialogue in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. c/o CPF funded project led by INTO

The Cultural Protection Fund is excited to share three distinct pieces of research and evaluation which demonstrate the impact of its funded projects and give recommendations for the future of the fund.

Phase One programme evaluation led by ERS

Evaluation Consultants ERS were commissioned to measure the impact of the Cultural Protection Fund’s first phase, which funded 51 projects between 2016 and 2020.

ERS reviewed evaluation reports from all 51 projects, conducted surveys and interviews with grantees and other stakeholders, carried out a rapid literature review and produced an evaluation report detailing the impact of the fund in its first three years.

The report sets out the context in which the fund operates and evaluates the successes and challenges of funded projects against the fund’s outcomes as well as other key areas such as effectiveness and value for money. A few project case studies are highlighted in the report.

View the full Evaluation Report

View the Executive Summary

Country level impact report led by In 2 Impact

In 2 Impact carried out a programme evaluation across four CPF target countries; Egypt, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territories and Turkey. The aim was to explore the possible impact that clusters of CPF projects have had in the countries where they operate.

The researchers led interviews and discussions, reviewed documentation and did a thorough situational overview of each country covered by the research, to produce a report which assesses what systemic impact the fund has had at a national level, as well as locally.

View the Executive Summary and Recommendations Report 

Climate Change and Heritage Issues Paper led by Tripleline

This research paper explores best practice in protecting heritage against the effects of climate change, with a particular focus on East Africa.  A team of three researchers; June Taboroff, Pierre Couté and Peeyush Chaturvedi, reviewed publications and policies on heritage and climate change, conducted interviews with a range of experts including British Council staff in East Africa and researched some best practice work in heritage protection projects.

The report highlights this very urgent issue of heritage at risk due to climate change, explores the existing discourse and actions and, focussing on the challenges and opportunities in East Africa, makes recommendations for future CPF activity in this area.

View the Research Paper

Soft Power and Cultural Relations Approaches in International Heritage Protection

This report analyzes how, and to what extent, international heritage protection approaches can be understood from soft power and cultural relations perspectives. Chief among the findings is a similarity among the European approaches, and the weightage placed on public diplomacy in the United States.

If you have any questions or comments about these reports, contact us